Maryland BankPAC is the nonpartisan, nonprofit Political Action Committee (PAC) organized by the members of the Maryland Bankers Association. Through contributions to candidates whose views are favorable to banking and a free and competitive marketplace, Maryland BankPAC supports the campaigns of federal, state, and local candidates.
To join Maryland BankPAC and continue the conversation about how it can benefit you and your institution, Maryland BankPAC must have a signed prior authorization form from a top executive at your institution. The Federal Election Commission requires members of the Maryland Bankers Association to sign the prior authorization form in order to be communicated with and solicited for Maryland BankPAC. This authorization does not obligate you or anyone in your company to make a contribution. Permission may be withdrawn at any time.
The buttons below will guide you to either an Online Prior Authorization Form that can be submitted electronically, or a Downloadable PDF of the Form that can be mailed to the Maryland Bankers Association.
After submission of your prior authorization form, click "Continue to Maryland BankPAC" to log in and access information to assist you in running a fundraising campaign for Maryland BankPAC within your bank.