Compliance Alliance, a company owned in part by the Maryland Bankers Association, is a unique and innovative tool, unlike any other, created exclusively for bankers, by bankers, that is owned, managed and directed by 30 state bankers association, in an effort to ease the compliance and regulatory requirements banks face. Compliance Alliance currently serves as a compliance advisor to nearly 400 banks across the nation.
A leader in the banking industry, Compliance Alliance constantly monitors the needs of bankers to adapt and provide the most sought-after resources for banking compliance—for banks of all sizes.
Program Advantages
Compliance Alliance provides its members an all-inclusive set of bank compliance tools and services that help them stay up-to-date with consumer and regulatory requirements, such as:
•An All-Access Hotline - Bank employees may contact compliance specialists to address their regulatory and consumer compliance questions or concerns by phone, email, or live chats from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.(central time)
•Access to a massive library of nearly 1500 products and tools that include a combination of procedures, forms, checklists, flowcharts and other tools–each toolkit specifically relates to an area of banking compliance and regulations across every department of your bank. Fully editable documents to incorporate your bank’s branding, and specific procedural and policy needs
•Unlimited bank document reviews - find comfort in knowing that your documents are fully compliant by submitting them for review by Compliance Alliance experts who will conduct a full analysis and return documents with recommendations within three business days (depending on the complexity).
•“Huddles” a unique offering that is held on the second Wednesday of each month. Members gather by conference call to discuss current issues they are facing. Members are encouraged to use this time to network and get feedback in the areas that they need it. Compliance Alliance moderates the conversation and provides answers to questions as needed.
Become a member of Compliance Alliance today! Call (888) 353-3933 to hear about subscription prices and the many other products, services and tools Compliance Alliance provides. You may also contact Joanna Weinreich at the MBA with any questions.